Not much going on in the studio- can it be called a studio without a design wall? I am still working on making one. Nothing wants to stick to the wall and the Styrofoam… generally one or the other… so I am now contemplating a wooden ladder frame… and glue the foam to that. By the time I figure this out it will be time to go home.
We went back to Kruger National Park for the long weekend. A very different trip than the last time. We did not see nearly as many animals, and mostly that was due to the heavy growth. South Africa has had a very wet summer, so the brush is thick and the grass is TALL.

Once again we did a “Game Walk” early in the morning… assemble at 4:45. Of course the walk was not quite like the last one… but we did see and hear some interesting animals… right after we started the walk we heard the Lions… roaring and chuffing and we heard them all through the walk. We saw Wildebeest, Zebra, Giraffe, heard and saw an Eagle Owl (no pix) and a few other regular critters. The real surprise was seeing the lions… in the distance watching us! The grass was 4 feet tall…
A Lion and lioness, watching us while we were on the ‘Game Walk’.
I think the overall theme for this visit was babies and birds. We saw lots of
them…. the wildebeest looks its best as a baby, we also saw baby zebra, Cape buffalo (looks just like a cow calf), squirrel, chicks and an Impala. The other was the colorful birds- some really spectacular colors!
Cape Buffalo and calf (about 1 day old)

European Bee-eater
Impala and fawn
Lilac Breasted Roller
Lilac Breasted Rollers at sunset
Marabou Stork
Spur Fowl and chicks

Baby Blue Wildebeest Calf
Woodland Kingfisher
Mom and baby Squirrel
Baby Zebra
Butterfly and flowers
Temmincks Courser
In the first photo do you see the animal? It’s an elephant, full grown, and it is about 30 feet away. That is how thick the brush was…..
So what do you think about this safari? The photos aren’t the best… as I am learning the new lenses…. and light.